Gamer text

What is gamer text? Gamer text is essential for gamers in mid PvP or about to capture the flag.  To master gamer text you have to shorten up the words. I’m going to say good luck in gamer text. GL. That is pretty easy to remember. Know try to decode this. BLNT. Answer in a comment. 4 al u gmrs out thr gl.


I’m reading the hobbit and it is amazing! the vocab is so rich and the story is so compelling. I’m also reading Harry potter. I bet you muggles haven’t read it.



I’m going to start doing this every Monday because i hate mondays. All. Ever. Forever. sideways 8.  Bleh, i died just thinking about mondays. SSsssssssssssssooooooooooooooooo, here are the rules , no  searching up the answer anywhere, no asking teachers or parents. (unless your an adult.) I’m going to make it harder every week. So this one’s super easy. I have no body yet i have a soul. I have no mouth but i have a






I’m so excited for the new Lego Batman! I watched a few trailers and it looks pretty sweet. When you click my call box,it takes you to “nanananana” by Snoop Dogg. It is awesome! I’m going to go see this movie on opening night with some friends and it is going to be great! Right now I have NO idea what’s going to be in there. But i do know that it’s going to be CRAZY! Here’s a link to the song.


Riddlers Riddles

I have billions of eyes, yet I live in darkness. I have millions of ears, yet only four lobes. I have no muscle, yet I rule two hemispheres. What am I?

The human brain

Where does a 500 pound gorilla sleep?

Anywhere it wants

:How do you fit 5 elephants into a compact car?

Two in the front seat, two in the back seat, and one in the trunk.



meg-pic-scary-shit-1Here’s a list of a bunch sharks names and length and weight.

Thresher shark- Alopias vulpinus 11-20ft

Hammerhead shark- Eusphra blochii 13-20ft

Great white shark- Carcharodon carcharias 15-20ft

Sand shark- Odontaspididae 8-10ft

Wobbegong shark- Orectolobus maculatus 126in

Nurse shark- Ginglymostoma cirratum

Tiger shark- Galeocerdo cuvier

Whale shark- Rhincodon typus  47,000lbs 41-50ft

Basking shark- Cetorhinus maximus

Megalodon shark- Carcharodon megalodon 40-70 ft (yes this is real. google it!)

Seal shark- Dalatias licha

Sawsharks- Pristiophoridae

Mako shark-  Isurus Oxyrinchus 1,115lbs

Bull shark- Carcharhinus Leucas

Common Thresher shark- Alopias Vulpinus 10-18ft

Leopard shark- Triakis Semifasciata  4-7ft