
meg-pic-scary-shit-1Here’s a list of a bunch sharks names and length and weight.

Thresher shark- Alopias vulpinus 11-20ft

Hammerhead shark- Eusphra blochii 13-20ft

Great white shark- Carcharodon carcharias 15-20ft

Sand shark- Odontaspididae 8-10ft

Wobbegong shark- Orectolobus maculatus 126in

Nurse shark- Ginglymostoma cirratum

Tiger shark- Galeocerdo cuvier

Whale shark- Rhincodon typus  47,000lbs 41-50ft

Basking shark- Cetorhinus maximus

Megalodon shark- Carcharodon megalodon 40-70 ft (yes this is real. google it!)

Seal shark- Dalatias licha

Sawsharks- Pristiophoridae

Mako shark-  Isurus Oxyrinchus 1,115lbs

Bull shark- Carcharhinus Leucas

Common Thresher shark- Alopias Vulpinus 10-18ft

Leopard shark- Triakis Semifasciata  4-7ft